5 Lb. Portable X-Ray Camera
$ 45,009
or approx./ $950.00 per month via equipment financing. Click Here
“We offer 90–180-day deferred payment plans to qualified clients, allowing you to secure the equipment any pay nothing for up to 6 months.”
No More Need For An X-Ray Room!
5 lb. portable X-Ray camera. Ready to digitally put your x-rays on your computer or iPad to study or show your patients. Call for details!
There’s no need to spend money on building an x-ray room and bringing in electrical power and leaded x-ray room walls. And there’s no longer a need to send your patients out for x-rays.
Now you can have a new, breakthrough technology, a portable x-ray unit, that weighs just 5 lbs, and can move it from room to room or clinic to clinic! It comes complete with a rechargeable battery, stand, carrying case and warranty.
Your patients can see their x-rays instantly on the camera screen or you can project it to the TV or monitor or an iPad. It can be leased with no payments for up to 12 months if you qualify.
With x-rays, you increase compliance (no need to send patients out, unless they are over 220 lbs), and you can bill for your necessary x-rays, creating another profit center.
We’re here to help you understand this equipment, its capabilities, and how to maximize reimbursement.
To speak to an equipment specialist about specifications, pricing and financing options Call: 954-451-6395
More Info
Videonystagmography Downloads
5 Balance Questonnaire page 1 grading page 2.pdf
Sample VNG Report – Interpreted.pdf
Sample VNG Report.pdf
VNG promo flier.pdf
Additional Videonystagmography Information
VNG Testing – Clinical Key Points
Who are the “Dizzies”?
Patient Instructions for VNG Machine Testing
Medical Necessity Letter for Balance Videonystagmography